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At times of anti-age and anti-stress, can we choose a positive approach to age and talk about age management?


At times of anti-age and anti-stress, can we choose a positive approach to age and talk about age management?

This post is also available in: Bulgarian French

Slightly, age topic started bothering me. I was looking at the mirror seeking and finding proofs of aging on my face.

Couple of months ago, I shared with Mira I feel this age weight and see it in the eyes of others. Then, she told me about the philosophy of the brand she is representing. A philosophy believing that

“aging is part of a natural process and there is no point in fighting it, but we have to accompany it and help women grow older as they want. And they want it to be beautiful. “

Thus, the idea of talking about age and approaching it positively was born. Today I introduce you four ladies who have always inspired me with what they are doing, with the way they look and with who they are: Mira Draganova – NAOS General Manager, Iliana Zaharieva – Mtel Corporate Communications Director, Maria Konakchieva – PR French Institute and Diana Zaharieva – Co-Founder Fashion Inside portal.


Our conversation started by an article:

Mira: I read an article about an American actress who is starting to fight the social pressure to look young. Its thesis is everyone has the right to look as they want. If we combine efforts and accept the age, we will be stronger against the pressure called ageism …




Iliana: There is this age discrimination, in my profession the pressure is very high because it is public. At awarding ceremony, Madonna said: “And please whatever you do, do not get old, you don’t have that right. You must always be young and beautiful. ”

Maria: 30 years ago, the trend has come from the US and Hollywood – in French it is called “jeunisme” – forever young. Being like Greek gods, never get old. It’s a myth.


What is your perception of age?

Mira: It is a feeling. I have some age in my head and I say that at 36 I felt wonderful and that is my age. I do not like someone telling me “this is to be done till such an age.”  Why? Here, I have been taking ballet classes for 1 year, which has always been my dream.

Diana: I had a period in which I was afraid of the approach of the 40s. When I was 40 I saw it was not scary. Looking at the pictures, I realize that now I look and feel better, more secure, more relaxed.

Every age is really good.



Iliana: Call it a cliché, the truth is the spirit matters. When I look at other people, I think we do not seem to get older – we want to do the same things we did before, we enjoy the same way of life, whenever we can. I’m not worried about age.

Which is the most valuable advice you have received for taking care of yourself?

Mira: My grandmother who will be 90 years old in a few months, was saying: Mira, even when you go outside with the garbage you should not look neglected. Imagine, you may meet someone you have not seen for 20 years!

Diana: My first housekeeper, an old aristocrat from Haskovo, was not going out anymore, but she was getting up every morning, putting on her dress, shaping her hair in waves with metal clips, putting a red lipstick as final touch. So she was taught by her mother.



If you have to pick just one face product, it will be:

Diana: sunscreen and eye cream

Iliana: face cream and mycelial water

Mira: Micellar water


Which is the ritual that keeps us young?

Iliana: Enjoying moments, trips, children, friends. The mood for life is very important, but it can be lost because we are stressed, tired, worried…This is the biggest challenge.

The mood for life

Diana: The mood for life – this keeps us young. Even outwardly, having wrinkles, getting older, not being in the best shape when you enjoy life, it is visible from within.

Maria: Keeping the mood for life, the art of living, l’art de vivre, as the French say.

Mira: Not being afraid because this emotion is devastating if it stays longer in us.



How are you taking care of your beauty?
Iliana, Diana (almost simultaneously): with shopping – the best anti-stress that moods up. Iliana adds: This emotion is very quickly consumed, like all material benefits in life.

Mira: I’m the only non-shopaholic at this table. Actually, I do not like shopping. I love quality and things that last in life, so I keep the joy from them. My “secret” (though it’s not a secret): cleansing the face.

Diana: Last winter I discovered face oils.

Iliana: Me too, but I use them only in the evening, before sleep.




Note from the author Esthederm has a collection Intensive – serums that are applied in line with the current specific need of the skin, for a period of two months. The formula that impressed me are those with spiruline, hyaluronic and retinol.



Maria: Celebrities have secrets of beauty, which are fictional secrets. Everything goes through surgery and very good cosmetics. I do not believe in the natural beauties after the 70s, this is just not possible, because life is so.

Life with maintenance, with a lot of inner spirit and at the same time – hope, that is.


Iliana: Heels, red lipstick, hairdresser – that all helps. These simple things always work.

Maria: Think it’s good to get old slowly and well, with very big smiles, with something that gives you shine.


Is there a beauty product you always have in your handbag?

Maria: Lipstick

Iliana: 2-3 lipsticks – red, pink, for good mood

Mira: SPF cream as I got tanned very quickly

Diana: Gloss, hand cream and cellular water


Can we talk about age management and a positive attitude towards age?

Diana: If we feel good and have a desire for life, to do new things, to keep up and to be in harmony with ourselves, age cannot bother us.

Iliana: This is part of the whole effort of getting back to more genuine and realistic things – models that are not anorexic, normal women, to look natural and to get old beautifully. It will not be easy, but I believe and see it positively. It is good to begin changing perceptions as much as possible.

Maria: in Bulgaria, aging is a disease because there is no care – not only cosmetic but also a medical one. For me, it is important, for a person, when they are old, to be sure they will find a cure. You, young people, should talk more about health, maintenance and spirit. Beauty will always save people.

Mira: Happiness is the key – it reflects on the face, the skin, everything.



Photos: Martina Todorova


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