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Oh la la : mission endless summer


Oh la la : mission endless summer

This post is also available in: Bulgarian French

Hello dears, I do not know about you, but I cannot say goodbye to summer, sunshine and warm weather. These days I was thinking about how to make the transition to the new season easier and, like by chance, I came across

Oh la la special fares for long flights of Air France. A quick look at the list gave me some great ideas, and reminded me of a winter trip we did couple of years ago.


In fact, after the long and harsh winter of 2012, me and my best friend decided we could not stand one more winter like that. We started brainstorming and after some research, we came to the conclusion that the best solution was … to go to Miami!


This post was prepared before the current events. In the last few days, I have been actively following the situation there and keep my fingers crossed, despite the complicated meteorological situation, Irma will pass lightly, with no victims or serious consequences for the people there. Very close friends of my have recent moved to Miami and are in my thoughts. If everything is fine, it is and remains my favorite destination for the winter months.
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Actually, I don’t remember the cold neither the snow of the winter of 2013.
I remember that after the Christmas and New Year holidays I counted only the days to the flight, and in January I went shopping swimsuits! Right now, Miami is at a very good rate of 589 EUR, valid until September 21, and flights must be completed by 30 June 2018.

Based on my experience, I recommend visiting in February – I remember when we arrived it was 29C and the transition from winter clothes to shorts and flip-flops was more than easy!

We’ve rent an apartment in Miami Beach and a rent-a-car so we traveled a lot in Florida: Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, The Keys, Key West … unique places with unforgettable views, endless beaches and good food.
I really want to go back there and visit a Miami Heat basketball match and also – go to Havana (it’s only 90 miles from Key West and we could almost see it from there!)
While looking at the list of promotions* of Air France (they are over 50 fantastic places around the world – you can see them here), I also spotted:

• Havana (as I already mentioned)
• Los Angeles
• Fort de France
• Lima
• Chicago

When you look at all those amazing places, where would you go? 🙂

* The rates are valid until September 21, for return flights, including taxes and charges. For details on specific dates and destinations, see the Air France website.


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