Fashion blog and lifestyle storyteller

DO and inspire

This post is also available in: Bulgarian French

I have always looked for and found inspiration in what people do, in things someone has had the courage to do, following their dreams. Today I am sharing with you an experience which is quite personal, yet shared, interactive and refreshing.

When I created more than 4 years from now, I realized the time has come to follow my dream for telling stories about fashion, young and talented designers, brands and lifestyles that inspire me and show a more beautiful and different world.

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When, some more time ago, I was going to the university, I didn’t know what was about to come, but I was convinced this passion for connecting with people, for creating and telling stories, for communications at large, will bring me lots of unforgettable experiences and moments.


People ask me very often how do I do to have a full time job, maintaining a blog, traveling, participating in events and projects, etc. (Honestly, sometimes I want nothing but rest some place sunny and quiet).

In most of the cases I ask myself do I really need to make such a choice of it is all a matter of good balance?

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It happened (3 years ago) that I got an invitation from Alexander Christov to be guest-speakers in front of students in the International business school in Sofia. The idea was to share experience from my profession but also from blogging perspective. This was the very moment I saw to distinct relation between these two worlds – communications and blogging, strongly united by the ongoing interaction with others.

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Similar invitations followed, including speaking to international students. What remained unchanged is my excitement before each of these meetings, the question will my story be interesting enough, shall it provoke discussions, will there be questions and comments coming from those young people who are completing or upgrading their education.

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Every single time my preparations coincide with highly overbooked periods in my communicator’s and blogger’s life. These classes though make me really happy because contact with students, with the people in the hall is priceless and refreshing. These are those really valuable things in life, linked to knowledge and ideas sharing, to inspiration and followed dreams, to personal projects.

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It’s been quite some time I wanted to share this emotion and thoughts and in fact, the new campaign of Pandora was kind of an inspiration for that:

Because, it goes beyond the product or fashion messages and is focusing on us women, on the things we DO**, on courage and self-expression, on being who we really are, on standing behind what we value and believe in, as well as on being sustainable and responsible in what we do.

Actually, DO is about empowering women to take action and be true to who they are and what they want to do. With these two letters we celebrate every moment in a woman’s life, whether big or small. Last, but not least, DO encourages women to embrace their passions and their dreams, whatever their age, to tell the world how they think and feel, and most importantly, to stand up for what they believe in.

Take a look at the jewels I am wearing by clicking here .

*In terms of profession (and education) my nine-to-five job is in Corporate communications and PR

** DO is the slogan of  the overall campaign of the brand.

Photos: Martina Todorova


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