5th Premier Gastronomy Festival in Bansko: a delight for the senses
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Delicious and good quality food is one of the undoubted pleasures of life. Moreover – it is healthy and can be a faithful supporter and friend in our mission for longevity and good health.
It was an honor and pleasure to attend the 5rh Gastronomy Festival in Bansko, which started at the very beginning of November and is still ongoing.
The place: Premier Luxury Mountain Resort in Bansko. A place I will remember with warm and hearty welcome and a sense of comfort, the feeling of being among friends. Hotel, where everyone greets you with a smile and small details change the whole story:
Затруднявам се да описвам храната с поетиката и експертизата на хора, посветили живота си (или поне голяма част от него) на кулинарното изкуство. Затова ще споделя с вас няколко кадъра, които направих по време на този вълнуващ уикенд. Препоръчвам да прочетете и поста на Софи, от който можете да получите много добра представа за събитието.
Първата вечер се насладихме на приятна компания – любезни домакини и приятели блогъри, както и на вкусна храна, подготвена от шеф-готвач Алекс Алексиев.
The first night we enjoyed great company – our kind hosts and blogger-fellows, as well as delicious food prepared by chef Alex Alexiev.
Second evening was dedicated to the special 7-course meal of chef Jordi Esteve . Real pleasure for all the senses, accompanied by a special selection of wines.
You can still sign up for a special gastronomy dinner – check the details here.
Well, I could not resist the temptation of showing some ootds and a mini photo session we did with my fabulous friend Deni from Purely me by Denina Martin:
What do you think, dears? 🙂 I think, I could live 1000 years this way!
Special thanks to our kind hosts from Premier Luxury Mountain Resort Bansko!
I was wearing: oversize blazer and coat – M2V, skirt – Slavina Petrova, bag – Neri Karra, shoes – By Far and my very good friend in all these adventures – Samsung Galaxy S7!