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From Sofia with love and Gio Diev!


From Sofia with love and Gio Diev!

This post is also available in: Bulgarian French

It is absolutely amazing to try on the most gorgeous sneakers an this – in the presence of the designer who created them!


Marti and I, we visited Gio Diev to share with you firsthand his latest capsule collection designed in collaboration with French-based label Errors of youth.

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I am extremely impressed by these sporty shoes because they look different, lightweight and so comfortable, can be styled in many different ways by folding the upper part, through braiding and tying the shoelaces. Total bonus (especially the version in poudré-cappuccino color) elongates the silhouette – quite a challenge for most of the sneakers. As for me, it was love at first sight and an absolute autumn 2016 must-have in my wishlist!


The best part is, if you are in Sofia on 14 and 15 September you can go to Gio’s store (88, Vitosha blv), fall in love with the shoes, meet Gio and add a sublime pair of shoes to your closet – there will be a sample sale at that time – to give you an idea:

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Photos: Martina Todorova


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