Sunday reflections: how much is too much or too little in the closet?
This post is also available in: Bulgarian French
Strange thoughts overwhelm me in this windy Sunday – I look over my wardrobe, scattered in three different places, and try to answer the question: how much is too much or too little when it comes to clothes and accessories? Where is the key for having just as much as you need?
Over the last two years I deliberately avoid accumulating things, I’m not a fan of fast consumption, shopping for the sake of shopping* or chasing the best offer and/or the big sale. I’m trying to think capsule, to invest in quality and beauty …
And here comes the big BUT:
because even the most wonderful piece at a certain moment becomes annoying and no matter how creatively we combine our belongings, we just need some fresh supplies. Fresh new-in however is either ephemeral or even if you buy a quality-investment item, you end up bored again. It seems to me our parents and grand-parents, for instance, hardly lived with similar fluctuations – either because of lack of choice or simply because the context and consumption have been totally different. Yet, people seem to have managed to be much more elegant without overdoing it **.
Is it possible at all to define how “much” is too much and how “little” is too little when it comes to closet?
Photo: Victor Stoynov
* Although I deeply believe in the therapeutic powers of shopping in a state of stress, crisis, depression, or even – euphoria.
** In the picture to the article I used sandals of my grandmother bought from France decades ago, completely wearable today … pity that they are not quite my size 😉